Just a heads up, this is the final post in the 4 part story of the events that occurred to us as a family. I will still post paranormal blogs, but they will be completely separate stories unless we somehow continue to experience things in our home. With that being said, I strongly suggest that if anyone has not read the previous 3 stories, you head over to read those first and then come back to this one so it makes sense to you.
Since we moved to Texas, we've been experiencing different things in each place we've lived. First it was the apartment, then it was my parent's house and now, it's my own home. Like I mentioned in my last story, I'm really starting to think that something may be following us. When we bought this house nearly 2 years ago, I didn't really get any particular vibes. Sometimes when I enter a place, I actually feel certain things...'energies', if you will. I know how that may sound to some people, but I strongly believe in them because I've rarely been wrong. It's just like when I meet certain people, I can sense their energy and I feel certain things regarding that particular person. That's why when I entered this house, I felt okay about our purchase. I didn't feel a strange presence. I'm starting to see that maybe this is one of those times that I was wrong.
A short time after we moved in, my grandmother had come to visit and since my parents' house was in the middle of being renovated, I told my mom she and my grandmother could come and stay in one of our extra bedrooms. Things were moving along nicely, we brought in what little furniture we had and my brothers each picked out a room in the house and came to live with us as well. A little while after, my dad finally moved in too. He had been staying alone in their home trying to finish renovations in order to rent out their house. Not long after everyone had moved in, we started experiencing odd things.
While my grandma stayed with us, she frequently experienced night terrors and had horrible nightmares. We shrugged it off at first and said it was probably one of her medications causing them. Then it was my turn. For me, it started with a creepy feeling coming from the formal dining room. Every morning as I was leaving for work, I avoided looking behind me as I rushed out the door. I always felt (and still do sometimes) that someone or something is standing there staring at me or even following me until I reach the door. Our dining room is to the left as you enter the house so you get a clear shot of the room as you either enter or leave. As creepy of a feeling as I got, I didn't think much of it because like I've mentioned before, being in a new space sometimes is a bit creepy and I wasn't yet used to the house. I decided that it was of no importance since nobody else had mentioned anything so I let it go.
As time went by, things escalated. Specifically for my mother. My mom has become pretty nocturnal sometimes staying up well past 3am doing laundry, dishes or catching up on her favorite Netflix shows. While she was up one night, she mentioned that she kept hearing noises in the kitchen as if someone was walking around dropping spoons on the floor or into the sink. None of us ever heard anything at first so we told her that she needed to start sleeping earlier 'cause she was starting to hallucinate. She would get upset and say that she wasn't imagining things and that she was being serious about everything she experienced. A short while after she had began to hear things, she also began experiencing items moving around. One night as she was laying on the couch on her phone, she saw a throw pillow move and fall to the ground. She claims she wasn't scared, but that she thought it was really strange and she knows for certain that it "wasn't normal" because it seemed to have been moved with some force behind it. My brothers and I were a little skeptical about it but we didn't say anything to her as to not upset her. Then things got weirder.
My parents have a dresser in their bedroom that had a drawer that became stuck. For weeks my mom tried to open it with no luck. She had everyone in the house try and none of us could either, it was really jammed. One day, she decided she had enough and walked into the kitchen to look for something to help her pry the drawer open. She grabbed some kitchen utensils and walked back into the room ready to finally get it open. When she walked into the room, she was startled to find the drawer wide open with nobody around. I remember this so clearly because she walked into my room and just casually mentioned that something strange had happened. She was used to it at this point because she was the one experiencing things more frequently. We all thought it was strange but we told her that maybe she had opened it and somehow forgot or something. She swore up and down that she was 100% sure that the drawer had still been jammed shut when she left the room to retrieve something from the kitchen. We all accepted it and moved on. The following day, I captured something that I can't quite explain...
Last August, my parents celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary. They didn't really get a chance to do anything special because my dad, unfortunately had to work. I decided I still wanted to do my mom's makeup and take a quick picture of them using my cellphone just to have as a keepsake. Nothing fancy. One of the pictures I captured, came out pretty dark so I went into an app to try to lighten up the image and used a filter to achieve that. When I applied the filter, I was horrified to see that something appeared to be floating behind my mother in the corner of the living room. Now, before I show this picture, I want to make it clear that other than the lightening filter, I did not use any other sort of effects. While it may be possible that maybe there was a glitch or something, I personally cannot explain how this happened. I took a screenshot of the original Facebook post from my personal page. My parents' faces of course have been blocked out.
If you zoom in, there appears to be what looks like eyes or something similar inside the "eye sockets" of the apparition. I have no clue what it is.
After I captured this image, I was a little creeped out. My parents kept trying to examine it and kept saying that it wasn't normal. I told them it was just a glitch even though I myself wasn't convinced, but I think at the time I just wanted to find an explanation and make myself and those around me feel better. The thing is, weird things continued to happen even though I told myself it was all okay which in turn made me feel even more uneasy.
In the FB post, I mention the fact that a day before capturing this image, my parents' bathroom door locked on its own. This is the same room as the dresser, by the way. My mother came into my room and asked me if I knew who was in their bathroom because the door was locked but that she knocked and nobody was answering. I looked in every room of the house and everyone was in their rooms. We walked back into the room and began trying to open the door. We couldn't explain how on earth the door locked itself. It had been open minutes before and due to the type of lock, it is almost near impossible to lock it any other way than if you're standing inside the bathroom itself.
I was really weirded out and when we finally unlocked the door, I tried my hardest to see if it was possible to lock it if I closed the door hard enough but I had no luck. It was impossible. I wasn't particularly scared, it was just really odd. Since then, my mom continues to experience things in that room. Most recently, she was heading to the store and was looking for a pair of shoes. She found one and as she was reaching for the other, she saw the shoe move on its side and then back again. Now, I know how it all may sound, and before experiencing things myself here in our house, I probably would have called bullshit too.
But I'm past that point, and I think most of my family is too. We all think something is here. My brother has heard whispers late at night and I have heard weird noises when I'm alone in the house. My dad has also mentioned that he feels a strange vibe coming from that dining room too, but we can't explain it. As far as I know, this house has no history of deaths or anything like that. Although, there is one weird, little event that I want to mention.
This was strange.
A few weeks ago, my older brother and I were hanging out in is room playing some video games. His phone was sitting on the bedside table when all of a sudden, we see his phone light up. He at first thought he had received a message, but he realized it was actually the Google command screen that had somehow been activated. Now, keep in mind that we had not been talking during this time. When he picked up the phone, there was one single word up on the screen "burn". He showed me the phone and was like "Uh, what the hell? That's weird." We both thought it was super strange but we laughed for a while. Then I stopped because I remembered something...
Our house had a fire years ago.